Online Wholesale Store Using Shopify E-Commerce Website

7 Ways To Handle Wholesale Store using Shopify eCommerce Website

“By 2020, the B2B market is expected to grow to reach USD $6.7 trillion income from merchandise online.”Just like physical wholesale stores have certain

  • specific characteristics

different from

  • retailers,

eCommerce wholesale websites are also created with

  • unique features.

Take, for example, the number quantity box beneath each product becomes a more important facet in the case of wholesale business.

If you’ve already generated a website, don’t worry, it can be converted to accommodate wholesale functionalities.

In fact, Shopify does not serve

  • any website or app

with pre-built wholesale features. It is a Shopify theme that you need to select or customize carefully.

If you are

  • a wholesaler and
  • want assisted website to sell on the internet,

then you need to

  • buy Shopify theme

that is primarily generated with an aim

  • to succeed in a wholesale realm.

Shopify theme should be designed

  • to sell bulk items


  • the ground up

as opposed to

  • tailoring the existing retail shop-oriented theme

to make it suitable for


Another way is although possible, with a lot of customizations, third-party apps installation, etc. but it is a bit cumbersome.

What are the Benefits of having Wholesale Website

Benefits of having a Wholesale Website

  1. Rejuvenate your revenue stream
  2. Recollect customers with the lost connection
  3. Avoid cluttering catalog displayed inline sheet
  4. Show max & the min quantity of goods you can sell

What are the most concerning things in the process?

Software developers.


Because they will give look and implement functionalities related to the wholesale website.


Few features related to wholesale devoted features may be brought by installing apps/extensions.

While other techniques require you to hire a Shopify Development Company that provides Shopify Theme Customization services.

You ought to check the background and experience of Theme Development before signing a contract so that it results in successful business outcomes.

What to Build to Qualify this Shopify Theme as a Wholesale Website?


This is for what I have written this article and you are seeking it eagerly. I know.

Let’s start.

1. 100% Wholesale or Partly Retail Allowed Web Store

In my personal opinion, I recommend creating an eCommerce site that also allows B2C.

Why keep any door closed when it comes to selling?

Teroforma Wholesale is an example of total wholesale.

Whisky Stones is not wholesale-dedicated, it has also vantage for retail or B2C.

2. Hide Wholesale Prices from Individuals by Making LogIn Compulsory

Grant given to website visitors for purchasing in volumetric numbers could alter your situation of goods stock. You are probably required to assess the profile of a wholesale buyer before collaborating.

Therefore, it is recommended to keep a gate from which each customer has to pass before becoming your wholesale customer.

In Shopify, this facility is natively available.

Go to Settings → Checkout and enable “the customer must be login before purchase”.

Although this is a good starting point, Signing Up is a question of 2 minutes of work.

Hence anyone can signup and checkout or at least see the price difference of any commodity between its retail part and wholesale part.

One tweak is available, you can password-protect the site. Only those who have this password can only enter, not the entire public.

Go to “Settings → Online Store” and enable an option for this purpose.

Now, only website visitors with Sign Up and Site Password can pierce into your web premises.

3. Wholesalers Account Approval Process

We are still far from the desired action.

The above method, provided by Shopify generates the same password every time, it can be shared.

Further, as we discussed earlier in this blog, our store will  possess 2 separate classes of buyers:

  1. Wholesalers
  2. B2C customers or retailers

Thanks to the LockSmith app that this kind of restriction is possible.

By installing this app, you can either

  • lock the whole website or
  • lock a limited collection of items categorized for wholesale selling

Now, individuals will purchase required items after Sign Up and Wholesalers will be able to unhide all parts of a store with Sign Up + Password- which is generated uniquely every time by the LockSmith application. See the below screenshot.

To those whom you want to allow as wholesalers, mark their email ids in the checkbox that would have been given somewhere in Locksmith interfaces.

If your eCommerce venture is on the internet for a long time, you can import CSV files of existing wholesalers and the LockSmith app will do the remaining part of the job.

The final website entry procedure page looks like the one below.

Accounts marked with the ‘wholesale’ tag are sent a separate password by the LockSmith app.

4. Allow Purchasing Quantities in Specific Multiples only

Suppliers might not be happy to offer purchase facilities for particular products in any quantity to wholesalers.

For instance, if you cater stocks in 6x numbers, like a pack of 6, pack 12, etc. that kind of logic can be implemented in Shopify.

The best suitable option is to provide a drop-down box.

To do this, create a new product template — with a name like “pack-of-six”.

Based on how a particular stock provider sells, the multiplier quantity number can be adjusted.

After the new template is created, copy it over the original product’s template and edit the quantity function. A Shopify developer’s help is probably required here to edit these code snippets as these are not understandable by a non-technical person.

Your code will vary from ours.


<div class=”qty”>
<a class=”minus_btn” ></a>
<input type=”text” id=”quantity” name=”quantity” class=”txtbox” value=”1″ min=”1″>
<a class=”plus_btn” ></a>
view rawqty.html hosted with ❤ by GitHub


<div class=”units_in_case_packs”>
<p> Quantity (units in case pack increments)</p></div>
<div class=”quantity_dropdown”><!–style class for the dropdown>–>
<label for=”qty”></label>
<select id=”quantity” name=”quantity”>
{% for i in (1..12) %} <!– i is the interval value that we are going to multiplying. –>
<option value=”{{ i | times:6}}”>{{ i | times:6 }}</option> <!– we use a multiple that corresponds to your case pack in this case we have packs of 6 but you can use any multiple.–>
{% endfor %}
<input type=”submit” name=”add” class=”btn_c” id=”addToCart” value=”{{ ‘products.product.add_to_cart’ | t }}”>
view rawunits.liquid hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Output from the above code looks as follows.

5. Functionality For Minimum Quantity Purchase


A wholesale business doesn’t mean a merchant is open to selling products in numbers that are just a little above retail.

This geek-in Shopify website theme is applied via custom code snippet writing – just like in the previous point.

We will not display the ‘Check Out’ button for orders whose total value does not exceed a certain amount like $200.

I understand that this is a basic restriction and a wholesale supplier might need advanced conditions met before accepting an order – which can be customized, here we are keeping it simple for easy understanding.

Add the following code snippet on the click event of the “Update cart” button:

{% if customer.tags contains ‘Wholesale’ and cart.total_price < 20000 %}
<p> Your wholesale total must be $200 or more.</p>
{% else %}
<input type=”submit” name=”update” class=”btn–secondary update-cart” value=”{{ ‘cart.general.update’ | t }}”>
<input type=”submit” name=”checkout” class=”btn checkout” value=”{{ ‘cart.general.checkout’ | t }}”>
{% endif %}
view rawwholesale.liquid hosted with ❤ by GitHub

Have successful eCommerce Business

If this seems a bit complicated or does not work in your case, there are phenomenal apps available that you can purchase and plug into the site to bypass these technical aspects.

6. API flexibility and integrations

Integrations are the key to running a profitable wholesale eCommerce store.

The cost of entry is creating an easy-to-use sales portal, but integrations will elevate you to the top.

A good wholesale eCommerce platform will enable you to do the following:

  • Make your own storefronts and experiences.
  • Integrate with existing systems such as ERP or CRM using a versatile API and SDK.
  • E-commerce automation can be linked to your business tools.
  • Everything from simple tasks to complex workflows can be automated.

Choose a platform with a dependable API and regular developer tool releases.

Look for a platform that allows you to create an unlimited number of development environments so you can test store changes before making them live.

7. Search engine and content marketing optimization

When it comes to solving problems, B2B buyers are no different than B2C buyers.

Both groups use Google to find the best supplier for their requirements.

The difference is that B2B buyers will not go straight to a product page and pay with their credit card.

Before they commit to a supplier, they must sort through logistics, hold a few board meetings, and consider storage facilities.

This is why it’s critical to find a search-optimized eCommerce platform.

SEO is a goldmine for B2B, and it is significantly less competitive than B2C in many niches.

Many of the top brands haven’t spent a penny on Shopify SEO because they are unaware of the benefits of search engine optimization and content marketing optimization.

The following are some search-friendly elements to look for:

  • SEO-friendly apps and plugins
  • Product and collection pages that have been optimized
  • Blog hosting and FAQ pages are examples of content marketing capabilities.

To succeed, many B2B and wholesale eCommerce websites become obsessed with data.

You should be data-informed, but today’s shoppers find your product in so many different ways through so many different channels that top-of-funnel and brand awareness alone can get you quite far.”

There is a wide range of order logic apps out there in the Shopify market, choose the best one with an array of features built-in and one that matches your budget range.

I hope the text served herein could be useful to you to make your wholesale supply website using the Shopify e-commerce framework.

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