Refund Policy


Our policy lasts 7 days. If 7 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately, we can’t offer you a refund or exchange for work delivered or items sold.

To be eligible for a return, your product must be able to show defect or error(s) with authentic screenshot(s) and for the same purpose that you purchased it. It must also be in the context of technology or software in which it is targeted to use.

Several types of products and services are exempt from being returned, such as free extensions that we offer, beta versions put to sell at discounted rates, or any services provided with ‘No Refunds Accepted’ in expressed terms. We also do not accept products back that work well for their purpose but do not fit your specific setup or system due to any kind of software or hardware conflict or due to clashing issues related to a version of the operating system.

Additional non-returnable items

  • Gift cards or a type of Vouchers (in case)
  • Freely downloadable software products from our websites
  • Guidance/advice provided over the telephone or other medium(s)

To complete your return, we require a receipt or proof of purchase.

There are certain situations where only partial refunds are granted: (if applicable)

  • You have ordered any service that is under execution and has completed a certain number of hours but not finished to the fullest.
  • Any extension/plugin or other types of software that does not work properly for its primary purpose and you hold legitimate proof of the same after testing rigorously on your systems with multiple configurations and return back within 7 days of purchasing. Check Viha Digital Commerce Services and Policy before Hiring us.