

Find your answers or let us know your query before dealing with Viha Digital Commerce.

eCommerce FAQ

Which method of managing a dedicated developer is perfect?2022-05-02T07:01:12+00:00

In general, video conferencing and project trackers together depict all the information that you might ever need. But you can leverage multiple mediums for monitoring and tracking progress of your work including emails, whats app, call and skype for communication with developers. It helps you to be closer with them

What is the process of hiring?2022-05-02T07:02:55+00:00

It is simple, do your paperwork and call or mail us with a detailed requirements file. We shall analyze and suggest proposed models hire developers with specific skill-set. Once interviewed and selected, you need to pay 75% of the total hours to start.

Can I change project afterwards?2022-05-02T07:10:02+00:00

Mostly, no. In case time is elapsed and work is completed for discussed project, you may deploy our developers in your other projects after discussing with us, but in no cases, our developers shall work on other than your projects.

In what cases hiring a team is beneficial over individual developer?2022-05-02T07:17:10+00:00

Although hiring a complete team brings you many advantages, we recommend pursuing this option only when you are a technical person or another company as opposed to an individual.
Presented below are some advantages that the hiring team option offers

  • You get better control over team members.
  • You can change the tasks or projects frequently, so if you have a series of jobs sorted out, hiring a developer or team is gracious over outsourcing standard projects.
  • You want deeply customized work according to what is in your mind, and you know skill names and related outcomes.

Therefore, you can be selective in informing the team from multiple sources.

What Strategies Do You Follow for Responsiveness of the Websites?2022-05-02T07:22:56+00:00

Our developers pay close attention to two critical aspects of the website’s design and responsiveness.

Creating a unique, responsive, and compatible website:

For creating a unique, beautiful, and responsive design for eCommerce websites. They also make sure that the website is compatible with the mobile web in order to provide a better user experience to your visitors.

Customize website design as per your requirements:

Our eCommerce developers will assist you to develop a custom website as per your unique requirements. This will help you grow as a distinguishable and recognizable brand in the eCommerce industry.

Why some businesses have flowered and boomed so massively?2022-05-02T07:45:13+00:00

The answer that could answer your question is the ease of doing business. A business-friendly infrastructure and atmosphere can make a great difference to your business growth and plan. For any eCommerce website or online store, Magento provides the same effective business-friendly infrastructure, best suitable for owner and customer.

Magento pricing, Magento packages for development, are designed for all business sizes and business categories.

How to interrupt or revise anything I dislike?2022-05-02T07:58:58+00:00
Each of our clients is allotted a single point of technical as well as non-technical person contact available 24×7. Just like with freelancers, with us, you directly talk with developers or other professionals. Some firms give little or no access to designers, that is not the case with VDC.
How long will it take to complete eCommerce Development?2022-05-02T08:00:57+00:00

A standard Magento website takes approximately 100 days to create. If there are a sublimate number of customizations, it may long last up to 150 days to build a rich Ecommerce (online store) web store.

How much charge and time to implement a singleton feature in my existing Ecommerce site?2022-05-02T08:04:25+00:00

Over the years, we have coded functionalities ranging from basic to advanced. Our team takes the time to get to know exact details for how particular functionality can be available and then serves estimation figures, you can proceed or reject based on those digits.

In which countries you provide eCommerce development solutions?2022-05-02T08:07:03+00:00

Virtually, VDC provides Magento website customization services in any country around the globe. Yet, there are certain regions or countries in the world where we serve both online and on-site support also, namely – Indonesia, UK(London & few major cities), Malaysia, Germany(Berlin), Philippines, Singapore, New Zealand(Auckland alone), Canada, Australia, and USA(Florida, California and other states as well).

For what kind of businesses/industry/sectors you provide Services?2022-05-02T08:09:38+00:00

We work with a broad range of businesses including small start-ups, large corporations, nonprofits or B2B/B2C channels.

VDC provides eCommerce development services across many industries like

  • Finance
  • Trade
  • Food
  • Apparel
  • Technology
  • Arts
  • HealthCare
  • Real Estate
I am totally new to this Ecommerce Store things. How shall we carry whole process?2022-05-02T08:13:22+00:00

Never fear, that’s why we are here. We talk in jargon-free language and guide sufficiently to all customers who are laymen to IT.

Magento FAQ

Which method of managing a dedicated developer is perfect?2022-05-02T07:11:48+00:00

In general, video conferencing and project trackers together depict all the information that you might ever need. But you can leverage multiple mediums for monitoring and tracking the progress of your work including emails, what’s an app, call and skype for communication with developers. It helps you to be closer to them

Can You Share the Work Portfolio of your Magento developers?2022-05-02T07:13:26+00:00

Yes, the work portfolios of diverse Magento Developers will be shared with you once you show your interest in hiring our Magento Experts from our company. The work portfolio will help you understand the skills and capabilities of the various Magento experts. You can hire our Magento developers based on skills, experience & rates that match your requirements.

What are the rates for hiring Magento developers from your company?2022-05-02T07:14:55+00:00

Viha Digital Commerce Ltd charges an hourly rate of $15-$20 for the services of a Magento developer. The exact rate depends on your requirements and the performance of the specific resources. We may make little concessions if you hire our developers on a monthly basis.

Why to hire company instead of freelancers?2022-05-02T07:19:04+00:00

Freelancers may charge you less than companies, but they are unable to handle larger tasks as effectively. While in the case of companies, you can get faster delivery as they have several experts to carry out the job and can offer you services for a longer period of time. With hiring freelancers, the risk is involved as they can leave the project in the middle, while that is not the case with companies as they have backup resources.

Why should I hire Magento developers from your company?2022-05-02T07:21:23+00:00

We have a 50+ in-built Magento Developers team that can help you with managing and controlling the activities of your Magento Store. We will also help you to improve your online presence. You will benefit in the following ways by hiring Magento developers from our company:

  • We have a highly experienced Magento developer team.
  • We offer full online Magento store management and control.
  • We ensure that your data is secured and the confidentiality of the data is maintained.
  • We will assist you in improving the digital presence of your store.
  • We provide seamless testing for bug-free and secure code.
  • Our team is highly approachable and promises to get back to you within 24 hours.
When i should upgrade Magento 1.9 to 2.2?2022-05-02T07:36:46+00:00

Hi yes anyone can do this. Most important is why you need a version upgrade. You can compare features for both versions and decide the best suitable for your business. Let us discuss and decide best for your store.

Why the Magento Community edition is compatible for all Size Businesses?2022-05-02T07:38:05+00:00

Though, the Community edition is constituted with all the required features and tools that are essential for an ideal eCommerce website.

The decision can be varied as per the concept of business and how many advanced features the business need?

Which Magento Version is best suitable and which edition is better?2022-05-02T07:42:21+00:00

Though, both the editions are workable for every online store size and category, the primary difference that differs between the Magento Community and Magento Enterprise edition is the pricing and advance support.

Why to Choose Magento for eCommerce Website?2022-05-02T07:51:43+00:00

Magento is the most reliable and advanced platform for eCommerce website development. The best feature is user-friendly functionalities for Customers as well as for developers. Of course, we offer development services on other platforms too, but yes we recommend Magento most to our clients.

How to Choose best Magento Package?2022-05-02T07:54:26+00:00

Most important point is to decide on your eCommerce store features. Our Team also will guide you best Magento plan, theme, and extensions for your business website.

Types Considered in Magento 2 Migration Services2022-05-02T07:57:33+00:00
  • WordPress WooCommerce to Magento migration
  • Database migration
  • Design migration
  • Magento 1.0 to Magento 2.0 full cycle migration
  • Migration of custom modules already developed
  • SEO settings migration
  • Bug-fixing after the migration is complete
  • Hire Magento certified consultant
How much does it cost to build Magento based Ecommerce website?2024-07-04T05:57:33+00:00

The cost of a website varies depending on several factors, just like the cost of a house may change on account of facilities. Though all standard website projects start with USD $750, it can add up to make $1,500 – $2,000 underpinning the number and complexity of features that you may need.

WordPress FAQs

Can you reveal monthly or hourly rates of WordPress developers straight away?2022-05-02T07:05:00+00:00
It is USD $10-$15. Exact rate depends on specific resource’s performance. These are charges for 2+ hours of assignments. We may cater little concessions for monthly basis, that is 20 days, 8 hours per month.
Do you Hire WordPress developer service for smaller assignments?2022-05-02T07:07:58+00:00

In terms of size, the project should comprise at least 2 hours or more work. For lesser than that size, we don’t provide this service.

How long will it take to complete WordPress Development?2022-05-02T07:24:09+00:00
A standard WordPress website takes approximately 50 days to create. If there are a sublimate number of customizations, it may long last up to 100 days to build a rich Woocommerce (online store) based website.
If I develop a WordPress plugin with you, who will own source code?2021-12-29T11:24:55+00:00

Complete ownership of developed product, including source code belongs to client alone, we abide by strict NDA terms.

How much does it cost to build WordPress website with shopping cart features?2022-05-02T07:26:49+00:00

Average pricing.

The cost of a website varies depending on several factors, just like the cost of a house may change on account of facilities. Though all standard website projects start with USD $500, it can add up to make $1,000 – $1,500 underpinning number and complexity of features that you may need.

Shopify FAQ

Can you reveal monthly or hourly rates of Shopify developers straight away?2022-05-02T06:58:05+00:00
It is USD $10-$15. The exact rate depends on a specific resource’s performance. These are charges for 2+ hours of assignments. We may cater little concessions on a monthly basis, that is 20 days, 8 hours per month.
Do you provide Hire Shopify developer service for smaller assignments?2022-05-02T06:58:35+00:00
In terms of size, the project should comprise at least 2 hours or more work. For lesser than that size, we don’t provide this service.
Do you provide resume of Shopify developers?2022-05-02T06:59:34+00:00
Yes, of course. We present names and CVs of our all software developers in the first place itself. You can hire based on skills, experience & rates that match your requirements.
Can I first get a rough idea of how my Shopify site look?2022-05-02T07:32:47+00:00

Yes, no doubts. As we start working together or when we deliver Free Quote, you are explored possible layouts, functionalities, navigation structures,s, etc. of the proposed online store.

If I develop a Shopify PSD with you, who will own source code?2022-05-02T07:32:25+00:00

Complete ownership of developed product, including PSD and its source code belong to client alone, we abide by strict NDA terms.

How much does it cost to build Shopify based Ecommerce website?2022-05-02T07:35:25+00:00

Average pricing.

The cost of a website varies depending on several factors, just like the cost of a house may change on account of facilities. Though all standard website projects start with USD $500, it can add up to make $1,000 – $1,500 underpinning the number and complexity of features that you may need.


Do you provide SEO services? What is included in after support?2022-06-29T09:45:46+00:00

We give basic SEO free for all eCommerce projects, prefabricated that it is a full-fledged project, not ticket-based customization work.

Once the website is deployed and released, our support long lasts up to 3 months. Minor changes, training, and documentation are served. We won’t re-design complete sections of the site.

Which is Most SEO Friendly eCommerce Platform?2022-06-29T09:46:25+00:00

There are many which are leading in the eCommerce market. We are also serving many popular eCommerce Store development platforms: Magento, Shopify, and WordPress.

These are more examples:

  • Magento
  • Shopify
  • Drupal
  • PrestaShop
  • Yo! Kart
  • WooCommerce
  • Bigcommerce
  • Squarespace
  • Webnexs
  • Shopping


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