End of Software Support for Magento 2.4.3 and Below Versions

End of Software Support for Magento 2.4.3 and below Versions

Software Support System (SSS) is an integral part of the Magento software life cycle. It provides support and maintenance for all active Magento Commerce installations. SSS is included in the Magento Commerce license.

The end of the Software Support System (EOSS) is when Magento discontinues SSS for a particular version of Magento Commerce. As a result, Magento Commerce installation of this version is not supported anymore and Migrations to newer versions are mandatory.

With the announcement of Magento’s 2.4.6 version, users are no doubt a bit confused about the validity of previous versions. The EOSS date for Magento Commerce 2.4.3 and below was announced to be November 28th, 2022. Magento no longer supports the installation of these versions. However, what about the 2.4.4 and 2.4.5 versions? Keep reading to find out!

What Does the End of Software Support System Exactly Mean?

Magento’s end of support means that customers with older Magento versions won’t receive any official updates or technical assistance. Older versions remain vulnerable to malicious entities who may bring down your website, expose sensitive information, or even worse. Thus it is extremely important to update your Adobe Commerce regularly.

Not having the most up-to-date version of Magento also results in missing out on key features such as security and quality patches, the list of official developer documentation, access to code contributions, official support for quality fixes and security patch releases, as well as compatibility issues with marketplace extensions.

Adobe Commerce Life Cycle Policy

Adobe Commerce provides customers with a complete commerce platform that includes a robust set of tools for managing their business. The Adobe Commerce LifeCycle Policy defines the parameters for how customers can use and deploy the platform.

The policy is designed to ensure that customers have a positive experience with Adobe Commerce and that they can deploy the platform in a way that meets their needs. Adobe Commerce customers must adhere to the LifeCycle Policy to maintain their license to use the platform.

The Adobe Commerce LifeCycle Policy is available to all customers and can be found here

But don’t worry you need not worry about reading the whole thing, we will provide you with a brief version.

Note: The policy only covers Adobe 2.4.4 and above versions

The policy rules are as follows:

  1. Adobe Commerce is expanding its support recycling window for versions 2.4.4 and later to three years from the General Availability (GA) date. This new lifecycle policy ensures that customers are given quality fixes during this period through Adobe Commerce Support or the Quality Patches Tool, depending on their eligibility. A table detailing the end of software support dates for various Adobe Commerce release lines can be checked for reference.

The table is as follows:

Release Date 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6
GA 12 April 2022 9 August 2022 14 March 2023
EOSS 24 April 2025 9 August 2025 14 March 2026
PHP Versions 8.1 8.1 8.1 & 8.2
  1. Adobe regularly provides security fixes for supported products with the latest patch release. This support period lasts for three years, giving customers ample time to update their products and keep up with the evolving security landscape. To ensure that customers are receiving the most up-to-date features and fixes, Adobe encourages users to install the latest patch when released. Updates will provide new enhancements, improved performance, and increased reliability of supported software.
  2. Adobe offers hotfixes for customers with supported versions to address urgent security matters, such as zero-day vulnerabilities. Please note that a hotfix does not provide the same level of protection as upgrading to the latest release.

Here is the breakdown of a blog post, which is summarised below infographic for handy use

End of Software Support for Magento 2.4.3 and below Versions

The Latest Adobe Commerce Version: 2.4.6 Version

As stated above Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 is set to release on 14 May 2023 (pre-release on 28 Feb) and includes some great new features and improvements.

If you are using an older version of Adobe Commerce, it is recommended that you upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible. Doing so will ensure that your store is running on the most up-to-date software and take advantage of the latest features and improvements.

To help you with the upgrade process, we’ve put together a guide that covers everything you need to know about Adobe Commerce 2.4.6.

Major Highlights

The newly released Magento 2.4.6 release brings with it:

  • Over 300 quality fixes and enhancements,
  • As well as support for the latest PHP 8.2,
  • Eight security issue fixes and improvements,
  • Improved GraphQL performance with reduced response time,
  • JavaScript libraries upgraded to their newest versions
  • Compatibility with Page Builder version 1.7.3 and,
  • PWA Studio version 13.0.x for enhanced store functionality and better customer experience.

System Requirements

  • Magento 2 provides a host of advantages for E-commerce websites, such as a user-friendly interface, comprehensive functionalities, exceptional flexibility, and enhanced security.
  • As such, it’s no surprise that many E-commerce businesses are rushing to install the latest version of Magento 2 to enhance their website experience.
  • Before installing Magento 2, businesses must review the listed requirements. Doing so will help ensure they receive all the benefits offered by this powerful platform and grow their business even faster.

Operating Systems Requirements (Linux x86-64)

  • If you are utilizing Adobe Commerce 2.4.6, then you need to utilize operating systems from the Linux x86-64 family; specifically distributions such as RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, Ubuntu, and Debian. However, Microsoft Windows and macOS are not supported by this specific version of Adobe Commerce.

RAM Requirement

  • Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 requires at least 2 GB RAM to successfully upgrade applications and extensions obtained from the Commerce Marketplace or any other source. If your system has less than 2GB RAM, we advise that you create a swap file as a successful upgrade could be blocked otherwise.

Magento 2 Composer Requirements

  • To use Adobe Commerce version 2.4.6, you must install the latest stable version of Composer for Magento 2. This tool is crucial – it provides software management and application-level package installation which is required for a successful setup and functioning of this platform. Installing the right version of Composer for Magento 2 is key to getting your store up and running quickly and securely; be sure to double-check that you have the correct version before proceeding with any other steps!

Magento 2 PHP Requirements

  • Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 requires certain PHP configuration settings, such as memory_limit, to ensure a successful installation and smooth operation.
  • Without these proper settings, users may experience unpleasant issues when using Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source.
  • Consequently, it is important to double-check these settings before installing and to take the necessary steps to properly configure them for maximum compatibility with Adobe Commerce 2.4.6.

Required PHP Extensions

  • ext-bcmath
  • ext-ctype
  • ext-curl
  • ext-dom
  • ext-fileinfo
  • ext-gd
  • ext-hash
  • ext-iconv
  • ext-intl
  • ext-json
  • ext-libxml
  • ext-mbstring
  • ext-openssl
  • ext-pcre
  • ext-pdo_mysql
  • ext-simplexml
  • ext-soap
  • ext-sockets
  • ext-sodium
  • ext-spl
  • ext-tokenizer
  • ext-xmlwriter
  • ext-xsl
  • ext-zip
  • lib-libxml
  • lib-openssl

SSL Requirements

  • Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 requires a valid security certificate for HTTPS, as Self-signed SSL certificates are not supported with this version. In addition, Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 or later must be enabled to use PayPal and repo.magento.com services properly.

Supported Browsers

Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 supports the following browsers for both Storefront and Admin pages:

  • Magento 2 offers an array of supported browsers for both the storefront and Admin. Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari (for macOS) are all currently supported – previous versions of each browser can also be used.
  • When it comes to mobile devices, Safari on iPad 2 or iPads with Retina Display (iOS 12 or later), as well as iPhone 6 or later (iOS 12 or later), are also compatible with Magento 2.
  • Lastly, customers using Android mobile devices access via Chrome’s latest and previous major version (Android 4 or later).

System Dependencies

  • Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 requires certain system tools for specific operations, including bash, gzip, lsof, MySQL, mysqldump, nice, PHP, sed, and tar. With these tools in place, you can use Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source with unparalleled ease.

How to Upgrade to Magento 2.4.6 Version?

  • Installing Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 is simple with Composer. With the right components properly installed on your machine, you’ll be able to use Composer to install the latest version of Adobe Commerce by following a few quick steps. Doing so will give you access to all of the features that come with this software product and make it easier for you to manage updates in the future.
  • However, the Magento 2 Development process is complicated and may cause issues if performed incorrectly. We recommend taking advantage of Viha Digital’s Magento 2 Upgrade service to ensure a smooth installation. Through our best developers, we offer an 8-hour free trial for you to use. Don’t wait any longer and get your Adobe Commerce solution up and running today!

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